[Pkg-exim4-users] Trouble using exim4 as smart-host
Alan McConnell
2016-04-16 19:03:52 UTC
Assembled Wisdom!

My difficulty has come about because of my recent install of Debian jessie; the
process I am about to describe worked fine with wheezy.

Here is the content of my /etc/exim4/update-exim4.conf.conf, created when I last
ran dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config :


NB: 'alanmcc.localdomain' is my box here at home. 'his.com' is Heller Information
Services, a long-time ISP and mail and web services provider here in MD.

Finally, the _problem_: I send mail, using mutt, to ***@his.com . It arrives
there fine. This shows that I am accepted by his.com, i.e. my password to his.com
is OK. But when I send mail to other addresses, e.g. my gmail account, it is not
relayed on as it should be by a smart-host.

I have queried Heller, and received unhelpful responses: "You have upgraded on your
own responsibility, we don't know exim or mutt"

I don't know very much about exim4. The documentation says that I, as root, can
add or modify the update-exim4.conf.conf . So my question is: does the above
update-exim4.conf.conf look as it should? Should something be changed? a line added?

I hope that people here who also use smart-hosts will give me some good advice/tips.


Alan McConnell, in Silver Spring MD
Alan McConnell
2016-04-16 22:43:38 UTC
----- Original Message -----
From: "Marc Haber" <mh+pkg-exim4-***@zugschlus.de>
To: pkg-exim4-***@lists.alioth.debian.org
Sent: Saturday, April 16, 2016 3:53:07 PM
Subject: Re: [Pkg-exim4-users] Trouble using exim4 as smart-host
Post by Alan McConnell
My difficulty has come about because of my recent install of Debian jessie; the
process I am about to describe worked fine with wheezy.
Here is the content of my /etc/exim4/update-exim4.conf.conf, created when I last
First, you are not using exim as a smarthost, you are using it as a
client to a smarthost.
Much confusion here. Exim is a MTA, Mail Transport Agent. And
the line you selected is from the file update-exim4.conf.conf .
Debian's attempt at making an exim4 config file.
Post by Alan McConnell
there fine. This shows that I am accepted by his.com, i.e. my password to his.com
is OK. But when I send mail to other addresses, e.g. my gmail account, it is not
relayed on as it should be by a smart-host.
What do your logs say on a successful delivery and what do they say on
a non-successful delivery?
Since all delivery's are 'successful' the log files aren't much use.
Post by Alan McConnell
I don't know very much about exim4. The documentation says that I, as
root, can add or modify the update-exim4.conf.conf . So my question
is: does the above update-exim4.conf.conf look as it should? Should
something be changed? a line added?
It looks fine.
Yes. It does 'look fine'. But it isn't working.

Vielen Dank fuer Ihre Mitteilung!

